F.A.C.E Clinic – 7th April 2018

Turn your FEARS and ANXIETY into CONFIDENCE and ENJOY your horse!

This clinic is aimed at those riders that have all the gear and “want” to be riding and potentially even competitive but are troubled but their own fears and anxiety.

We will look at ways to help you over come these insecurities and teach you to draw confidence from horse horse and the partnership you create with him/her.

There’s is no pressure in this clinic other than to arrive for your lesson and be on time. Some of you may not even make it into the saddle but you will gain knowledge and understanding and go home with some tools, be it in the saddle or groundwork !!

Get your bookings in to secure your times and booking will be finalised on receipt of payment and completion of booking form.


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CLM Equine

Our modern and fully equipped equestrian centre is happy to offer everything from dressage and show-jumping to roping clinics.

Bambling Rd, Boyland, Queensland, Australia 4275

email: info@clmequine.com.au


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